This cry for help sound familiar?
"I've spent at least 12 hours trying to bleed the brake lines on my UTV, but the pedal still goes to the floor. Today I went to the store to get a vacuum pump. I must have run 3 bottles of fluid through the system and still nothing. What am I doing wrong?"
Getting a perfectly firm pedal is a must have when out exploring new trails and flying through your favorites at top speed. Many people are having a hard time getting all the air out of their lines using traditional bleeding methods leaving a mushy pedal. There is really only one proven way to get that perfect pedal every time and that is by reverse bleeding the brakes. Reverse bleeding was originally designed for tough-to-bleed cars and trucks but recently it has been reveled as the only way to go with the fast growing UTV market.
Reverse bleeding pushes the trapped air, that can be so hard to get out with the abrupt curves in the brake lines, up and out the master cylinder. The air is naturally trying to rise and trying to pull it down when it doesn't want to go that way can sometimes feel impossible. Working with this flow, as opposed to against it, results in a one man 5-10 minute process instead of potentially endless shenanigans. This reverse bleeder is perfect for UTV techs and weekend warriors alike.