Brake Service Philosophy

Brake Service Philosophy

When someone gets a brake service done, the last thing they want is to come back pre-maturely. Many mechanics complete a job, only to have a customer return a few days later with a complaints. The good news is, there are a few simple ground rules that can help prevent this from ever happening. Whether you are a full time mechanic or a newbie, holding to just a few rules can help ensure that any of your work is done well.

Service Philosophies


As with most jobs, there are several ways to ensure a quality brake service is provided. We strongly suggest abiding by these 2 specific philosophies.

1: Take your time and do it right

2: Do what you can to prevent pre-mature re-visits.


Doing the Brake Service Right


But it is absolutely essential that you know what you are doing. Always make sure you have the necessary knowledge to complete the job, then take the time to do it right. Try to think of it this way: If you take an extra 10 minutes to do it correctly, you'll save yourself the time and headache of having to redo the entire brake service later. By ensuring a job well done, you also ensure the happiness of customers and the trust you build with them will remain strong.

One way to ensure you know all necessary steps to complete your brake service, is to do research. All across the internet you can find tutorials for specific car models and issues. By taking advantage of these resources, you will not only do the job right, but you'll be able to complete it more quickly as well. Some common websites/mechanics to learn from are Eric the Car Guy, various Youtube channels or check out our videos. You can even social media groups like Mechanic Mafia to interact with more experienced Mechanics. Always remember, when in doubt, search it out.


Preventing a Re-do


As you work on a vehicle, try to think of everything you can do to help keep it out of the shop. This is why taking the time to do job right is so important. As you keep a sharp eye for detail and refrain from rushing, you are more likely to catch other issues. Don't be afraid to bring up any new issues with the customer. Doing so will benefit you by providing more work, and further building a bridge of trust between you and your customer. By always striving to keep cars out of the shop, you can provide the best service possible.

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