Wasting Time Solving a Problem?

Wasting Time Solving a Problem?

There you are, slaving away trying to fix something hour after hour. You've tried everything you can think of, and nothing works. Just when you are about ready to give up, you realize something. You shake your head in disbelief, surely you've thought to check the simple things already right? Wrong. Turns out your whole problem could have been fixed in mere minutes!

Saving Valuable Time

If this is a situation that happens to you, (and lets be honest, it happens to all of us.) then this blog is meant for you. It can be easy to get in the habit of trusting your memory, though often times, that is what leads to spending unnecessary amounts of time wasted. In fact, many problems have a direct answer and the can be found on the manufactures TSB's (Technical Service Bulletin). These bulletins can make the difference between wasting time, and making money. By learning how to utilize them, you help ensure a timely job well done. 
Frusterated Mechanic

Steps of Action

Manufacturers constantly publish TSB's that explain a problem and its solution. There are even thousands of TSBs on brakes alone. This means that reliance on the written or electronic word is increasing everyday. Accessing this information should be incorporated into the service process. The process should proceed as follows:

  1. Customer interview 
  2. Check vehicle for existing TSBs 
  3. Test drive
  4. Inspect & diagnose
  5. Perform repairs
Incorporating the check for TSBs at this stage in the process will allow you to include any road test tips the TSB may provide in your test drive. Some TSBs provide information on how best to duplicate a problem and what to look for during a test drive.Many shops wait until they are in trouble before checking for TSBs. This is a mistake. The sooner you have the information the better off you will be. Many of the fixes listed in the TSBs will never be able to be duplicated in the field regardless of the amount of time and effort put forth. Having the information before you perform your diagnosis will save time and effort. With so much information available and access to this information being made easier every day, why not use it to same time, headaches and frustration?  

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