Brake Bleeder and BrakeStrip CU+ID in Professional Tool and Equipment News March 2013

Brake Bleeder and BrakeStrip CU+ID in Professional Tool and Equipment News March 2013

Do you read Professional Tool and Equipment News?  Phoenix Systems was mentioned twice in the March 2013 Issue of PTEN.  The first one is the cover story and is focused on Honda Caliper and issues with intermittent seizing and how the Phoenix Systems Reverse Brake Bleeder can help with that concern.

The second mention is on BrakeStrip CU+ID brake fluid test strips and how a shop can increase brake fluid exchange revenue by using CU+ID by brake fluid testing every car that comes in for copper content and for brake fluid type with one strip.

Check out the mentions out by clicking on the links below.

PTEN March 2013-Brake Bleeder (original source

PTEN March 2013-BrakeStrip CU+ID (original source

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