Launch Of Our New Website

We have been doing some remodeling and are pleased to announce that we have redesigned our Brake Bleeder website at We had a professional web design company called Innovation Simple go through and restructure how we were showcasing our patented products Brake Bleeder and Brake Strips.

On our new website we want to start showcasing more videos that quickly show the problems with not paying attention to brake fluid and bleeding your brakes. This website showcases the revolutionary tools for the providing the perfect brake job by using Brake Strips for testing the brake fluid and bleeding the brakes using Brake Bleeder.

The website is powered by a robust content management system (CMS) along with blogging capabilities that will allow us as a company to continually add and edit content on the fly. We would love to hear what you have to say about our new website so please feel free to leave a comment or suggestion below.

Thank you for visiting Brake Bleeder!
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