Best Brake Bleeders In The World
Reverse Injection Brake Bleeder Overview
There’s no other tool like the Phoenix brake bleeder. This secret to Phoenix Systems’ patented brake bleeders is a revolutionary process called, Reverse Fluid Injection or RFI. RFI uses the "laws of physics", air rises and fluid drops. Just think about it, which way do the bubbles go in your favorite soft drink? Up! RFI pushes fluid and air from the low points in the hydraulic system upward toward the master cylinder reservoir. The fluid fills the reservoir and the air escapes, leaving a rock hard brake pedal. It's that simple.
- Patented Reverse Fluid Injection
- Even ABS
- One person operation
- Removes trapped air, the cause of spongy pedal
- Portable, lightweight, no electricity or air required
- Cost effective and multifunctional: RFI, vacuum and pressure
- No special tools or clips to bleed ABS
- Precision made, steel, and aluminum, rebuildable
- Includes instructional videos
- Confidently handle the toughest jobs, like the Ford Ranger clutch in minutes
- Increases efficiency and workflow
- Protects your stopping power by decreasing brake response time
- Buy one tool for all your bleeding needs
- Reduced come backs that cost time and money
- Usable anywhere, quick easy setup
- No scan tool required for basic ABS bleeding.
- stop wasting time returning good parts not properly bled.
- Hand over the keys to your customer with confidence.
- The last brake bleeder you'll ever buy